Thursday, March 27, 2014

Laughter Of An Unconscious Mind

cryptic images flicker
before the minds eye
laughter of an unconscious mind
that knows no limits or boundaries
the realm of the waking self
where the unconscious
remains evasive
and in the forgetting
a faint inkling lingers
unwilling to be bound
by the threshold of consciousness
dissociated from the disguise of sleep


  1. The unconscious mind knows no limits & boundaries - a faint glimmer maybe seen but it is unwilling to be bound ~ There's a hint of hysteria and madness here, quite scary ~

    You captured the cryptic language of mind, both words and picture ~

  2. "Laughter of the unconscious mind." I find that to be such a delicious image!

  3. I like the suggestion that our thoughts are unwilling to be bound by consciousness alone.. I believe we need the dreams, the imagination otherwise we might all run mad with trying to understand reality.

    1. Exactly, thanks goodness for dreams, imagination and the written word.

  4. I love "laughter of an unconscious mind" also....the mind is always busy whether we realize it or not

    1. it's my favorite line and I had to smile when I wrote it

  5. i love your title! i am always for dreams and laughter. whats life without those?

  6. Ah, we really have no control over all those cryptic images in our dreams! However, it is good when we can laugh with them.

    1. yes, better to laugh with them than at them. :0)

  7. A great response, totally nailed the challenge material, and a fine poem in its own right, if no prompt were involved, with a subtle yet telling use of the list words, and a sharp imagery and clarity throughout. I also like the laughter that no doubt the unconscious mind is full of, if it keeps track of what we blunder around doing in the conscious state. ;_) Thanks so much for adding this gem to the challenge Kathryn.

  8. nice.. i love those twilight zones....the space between sleeping and waking when the unconscious mind finds so much space..

  9. Oh, if only to know all that the sleeping mind knows...sigh...I love your three part perspective, Kathryn!

    Ooo...what beautiful animals - are they your fur-family...I have such a soft spot for them. ♥

    1. Yes, they are my fur-babies. Got to love em even when they drive me insane. They make life entertaining for sure.

  10. that place between waking and dream...that exists in that place behind our eyes even as we walk about...where nothing and everything makes sense....

  11. Beautiful! If only those unbounded flickers could be more accessible to our waking mind..

  12. I love the way this kind of circles round and round... just like those unconscious thoughts taht travel through your mind.
