Monday, July 28, 2014

Torrent Of Tears

fear lights the sky
with heavy growl
and low rumble

striking in its fury
the earth shakes
urging caution

action propelled
inceptively towards flight
ensuing into stillness

where rooted, exposed
I stand
arms open wide

embracing madness
I'm drenched
in a torrent of tears

Inspired by a thunder and lightening storm that I got caught in this weekend.  Linking up with Imaginary Garden With Real Toads


  1. I like this and esp your last stanza.

  2. Great immediacy to this, and a feeling of the inevitable crawling down your back, or up it, as the case may be. Lightning storms are always freaky about unleashing things.

  3. Sometimes a torrent of tears is the only way to wash away life's stain. It can be a beautiful, awful cleansing.

  4. We got a bit of the storm too ~ I specially like the opening stanza as its very vivid ~ And stunning imagery too Kathryn ~

    1. Thanks, we've been having some pretty crazy storms around here lately.

  5. The storm woke me to stumble downstairs and cuddle with Miracle Kitty on the living room carpet. Your poem links this memory with what it must feel like in Gaza. Pow!

    1. I hadn't thought about Gaza when writing this but re-reading it with that in mind I can totally see it.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks Sue . . . my writing has been slow going lately.

  7. there was a crazy lightning storm in Venice Beach yesterday that actually killed a man! Makes me think twice about opening my arms wide to the storm. Strong pen, Kathryn ~

    1. The lightening does scare me its kind of like dancing with the devil.

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks . . . I had some mundane word in its place that I wasn't happy with so I kept thinking on it until inceptively popped up!

  9. hey if you are going to go to madness might as well embrace it you know....smiles...we have had some pretty crazy storms here as well...though today is just cold and overcast...and i need the ground to dry so i can mow....smiles.

    1. I know right . . . it always seems to rain at the only times you have for mowing, think that's part of murphy's law!

  10. the last stanza reminds me of when youth was in my arms while i looked up and let the sky cry her tears upon me

    lovely write


  11. I love the way you wrote this!! At least I think you wrote several sets of a line or two about the thunderstorm, and then you added another line or two fitting each set and headed towards your end point.

    The part, "earth shakes urging caution", got my attention.
    Very nicely written. I liked it, thank you.

    1. Thanks Jim, something about a thunderstorm that inspires writing.
