Friday, July 13, 2012

Its Grip Was Strong

It began as it always did, clawing its way up the left side of her face. The familiar trail of pain lengthening as it encircled her eye and settled in for the duration.  Light and sound intensifying with each claw hold, her senses crying out in protest.

Holding her head in her hands she knew and steeled herself for the long haul.  Its grip was strong and tonight was going to be a long night.


  1. Oh, I'm sorry for your pain Kathryn - hoping this was last night and are better today! xo

  2. Having suffered from chronic pain and now the post-concussion mess, I can relate. I hope today was better for you. Breathe -- at least that's what I tell myself. xo

  3. Oh my, what a powerful photo.

    I'm so sorry to hear you are in pain, I know how a migraine feels and that is bad enough. Hope that today is better for you.


  4. Love your image, sorry it represents something painful and hoping the pain has eased away by now.

  5. The image is so stunning and powerful Kathryn. I continue to admire and stand back in amazement at your ability to create in the midst of terrible pain. You somehow manage to make something beautiful.

  6. Amazing image! As a chronic migraine sufferer it immediately
